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Below you'll find useful terms that are referenced throughout the docs.

Key Terms

FS Provider

Financial Service Provider. A legal entity that provides financial services.

FS User

Financial Service User. A private person that consumes financial services.

Portabl Agent

An instance of a service that enables FS Providers and FS Users to turn into APIs of themselves to maintain sole control and manage their DIDs, Verifiable Documents, Evidence Documents and execute data exchange directly using interoperable standard protocols without a need for trustable intermediaries.


A globally unique persistent identifier that does not require a centralized registration authority and is often generated and/or registered cryptographically. Please learn the basics by reading the Introduction section of the DID Core spec.

Evidence Document

A document that can be attached to one or more Data Points to provide additional level of confidence.

Verifiable Credential Data Model

The standard spec that provides a mechanism to express Data Points in a way that is cryptographically secure, privacy respecting, and machine-verifiable. Please learn the basics by reading the Introduction (opens in a new tab) and Core Data Model (opens in a new tab) sections of the Verifiable Credentials Data Model (opens in a new tab) spec.

Requested Verifications

The verifiable data that shall be requested from the FS User and verified by the FS Provider.

New Assertions

The verifiable data that is asserted by FS Provider and shared with FS User.

Data Profile

A set of configurations that dictate what datapoints and evidence shall be requested by FS Provider and what shall be issued/signed and shared with FS User.

Data Point

An information that can be treated as a claim about a particular subject entity.