Issuance Profiles

Set up an Issuance Profile

In order to start issuing your users reusable identity credentials, your project should have an issuance profile.


A default issuance profile is configured upon project creation. Use it to issue credentials with any supported datapoints in accordance to the API Reference.

Navigate to Data Profiles

Data profiles can be found inside of the top level organization menu.

Click on an issuance profile and then head to data groups tab.

View Data Groups within an Issuance Profile


All fields are set to optional so you can have fine-grained control at the API level.

Navigate to the data groups tab to observe the read-only template to model the types of data you use when issuing credentials to your users.

Define granular context to issued credentials


Having granular context can help to translate data semantics, purposes and goals within your ecosystem.

You can add an additional credential type to add granularity to credentials that are issued.

Example with an excerpt of a verifiable credential.

  "id": "__UUID__",
  "type": [
  "issuer": "__DID__",
  "issuanceDate": "__RFC3339_DATE__",
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "__USER_DID__",
    "firstName": "Jane",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "birthDate": "01-01-2000"
    // other datapoints
  "proof": {
    // data integrity proof details

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